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About Me
About Me
Ian to his friends - born 23rd May 1951 - A Tuesday - At Exmouth in Devon.
Typical post war baby - not much to eat - Just a poor boy from a poor family - Parents in Royal Navy during the war.
One sister Penny - Educated at Bramdean School Exeter and Kelly College Tavistock, Englands major minor public school.
Left School in 1969 and started work for English China Clays in St Austell Cornwall.
Starting salary - £14 per week and had to pay £8 per week bed and breakfast.
First car - Green mini van - First female conquest
Messed up all his Surveying exams by correspondence so enrolled at Portsmouth Polytechnic in 1972 to study Urban Land Administration - Turned 21 that year.
Failed to see Humble Pie in concert that summer at Southsea Pier Hall as someone telephoned a bomb warning just as Steve Marriott and Peter Frampton were about to take the stage.
Messed up all his Urban Land Administration exams - left Portsmouth Polytechnic and went off to London to seek fame and fortune - 40 years later found fortune but fame is still waiting round the corner!!